Landing - Sludge Finder

Remove sludge. Improve customer experience.


Sludge Finder helps you identify and quantify sludge in your process. Sludge describes the frictions that make it difficult for customers to achieve their goals. Sludge can impact customer satisfaction, effort, trust and access to services.

The tool helps you design service improvements that make it easier for customers to achieve their goals and is available to all public servants.

Our practical sludge guides will help you bust sludge for customers in key communication channels, such as websites, forms, apps and more. Access our full set of resources on our guides page.
To read more about the BIU's customer impact and different streams of work, check out our website.
Want to learn more about how you can bust sludge to improve your customers' experience? Have questions about Sludge Finder? Get in touch with us at